Kaliningrad is probably the most significant direct threat to Europe.

It is putin’s forward offensive platform from which he threatens Europe with aggression.

This base of the russian Baltic fleet has progressively been fortified. It bristles with offensive, state-of-the art weapons, including strike aircraft and precision-guided Iskander missiles with a 500km range. Both weapon systems are nuclear-capable.

Provocatively in August 2022, putin additionally deployed his newest generation Kinzhal hypersonic missiles there. Kinzhals have a range of 2,000km and can zoom towards our cities with their nuclear warheads at 10 times the speed of sound.   

russian occupation of Kaliningrad, according to Politico in June 2022, has made it “the most dangerous place on Earth”.

It is a specific danger to Poland and the Baltic States, as “in a showdown between russia and NATO, the 'Suwałki Gap' would likely be the first point of contact”.


The answer is that our politicians shrug that “nothing can be done” to change this dangerous status quo.

For decades, the West has conspired with soviets and then the post-communist kremlin regime to create a convenient arrangement, while cynically putting the lives of their citizens at direct risk of nuclear holocaust.

Germany in particular, prioritising its 1990 reunification and its subsequent dependence on cheap russian hydrocarbons, has never wanted to ‘rock the boat’.

Kaliningrad is not and never has been russian. russia is occupying this ‘exclave’ illegally. You may be aware of 1990’s Two Plus Four Agreement and you may have read articles that conclude that it is now legitimately and irrevocably russian. This is not true.


putin’s defeat in Ukraine is likely to result in domestic chaos and a possible disintegration of the russian federation.

A post-war peace settlement may give us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reclaim Kaliningrad without russian interference. The West needs to prepare a post-Ukraine Kaliningrad Strategy NOW!

We have set up Free Kaliningrad to help drive this Kaliningrad Strategy.

We are already exploring the legal landscape and possible scenarios. We will peacefully lobby our politicians and Western public opinion for action. Our mission is to reclaim Kaliningrad back from russia, demilitarise it and return it to the civilised world.

NEWSFLASH : In a major (5.6 mln people) independent online survey in Feb 2023, 72.1% of Kaliningrad respondees want to secede from russia. They are not the exception, four other regions want to follow (Ingria, Ural, Syberia, Kuban). So not only will our mission have strong local population support, but kremlin will be overwhelmed by the scale of this secessionist crisis and will thus not have the capacity to interfere much in Kaliningrad. [Source: tvp.info 05.03.2023]

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