What We Do

Our Focus

Campaign to peacefully restore Kaliningrad to democratic governance.

Remove putin

Seize Kaliningrad back from russian control. Purge or expel all active putin sympathisers and bring to international justice any who have committed crimes against the population during the russian regime. Replace all elements of their governance and influence. Confiscate their assets where appropriate.

Establish democracy

Place temporarily under UN or other international administration, such as a coalition of Poland and the Baltic states. Establish democratic mechanisms and oversight to enable free and fair elections. Kaliningrad was named by Stalin, a new name should be approved by referendum. Redistribute confiscated russian assets.


Decommission and remove offensive capability, especially nuclear, under the oversight of appropriate international bodies, including the ICNND. Align Kaliningrad with NATO and establish appropriate defensive policy and capability, supported if appropriate by a permanent NATO presence. 


Action Plan

Our detailed strategy and programme of activities, including our campaign and influence action plan, are being developed.

These will be announced once approved by our appointed board of directors, after appropriate consultation with our critical stakeholders.

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